Check out the Charities that are supported in different business areas 

There's now more ways to have your say in which charities receive funds and support from your business area. Retail, Head Office, Distribution and Online will all have their own ways for you to get involved and have your say, so please keep a look out for the ways your areas update you. Each area is eager to get you involved. 

Whether it's a well-known charitable organisation or a smaller one which may be closer to you, our teams and committee are all ears and this is your opportunity to tell us about any charities that you think are deserving of our donations! 

Core Charities

Lipsy London


Head Office

NEXT Sourcing



For a full list of all charities that we have supported with a financial donation in 2023 click here 


We also work very closely with some charities in partnership. Partnerships are where we have given some resource for a period of time.
Our committed support enables Charities to plan ahead and continue their good work.